Creative Director & Brand Design Coach

I believe our individuality is our greatest asset in life and business. It is this uniqueness that allows us to create, connect and offer the world real value that cannot be replicated.

At its core, this belief is what drives me to do what I do - help brands and fellow creatives to discover, define and express their individuality so that the true value of who they are and what they can create reaches those who need it most.

work with me
my story

hello, I'm

I'm a designer, writer, mother, business owner and creator and I am wildly passionate about inspiring & enabling others to understand, maximise and build a life around their gifts.

I founded my solo studio after just 5 months in an agency and leaped into  the most profoundly challenging yet fulfilling adventure of running a creative business with no experience at all. Through this little studio I was able to work alongside incredible entrepreneurs and founders all over the world to bring to life the visions they were passionate about.

In late 2022 I co-founded my second business, Studio Ardour which is where I now fulfil the role of brand strategist & creative director, serving clients in the travel, tourism & wilderness space.

I was once told I'd never make a decent living out of my "art". That I'd have to trade my craft for a "real" job one day. It's safe to say I've proved them wrong. Now I'm on a mission to help other creatives maximise their value so they can also build a life around their talent & learn to show the world what they can do.

“How do you capture the essence of a person in a brand? Hire Rachel.”
- natalie, Founder of ellie arbee, usa


Professional Process Blueprint

Your guide to running creative projects like a pro, creating a top-tier experience and setting yourself up for long-term success as a solo studio.

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For Freelancers

Find my Niche | 1:1 Clarity Session

A 90 minute, high-impact session for aspiring brand designers who want to find their niche so they can show up more confidently & book more aligned clients.

Book a sesh for $90
For Brand Designers

Studio Ardour | Work with me

Studio Ardour is a boutique brand development agency that focuses on strategic design solutions for the travel, tourism and wilderness space.

build your brand or website with us
For Brands

find me on youtube

Turning a brand identity into a website
Customising Type for Logos
Watch me design: Creating a food brand from scratch
more videos

Looking for something not mentioned above? No problem. Email me and let’s talk.
